Somebody very wise once told me that expectations lead to resentment. 

These days, living in a home with resentment is just about unbearable. 

As a strong woman, I need tools in my toolbox that center around communication in my home

Using this family meeting process has been one of my number one go to used to making sure that our baseline around the house is sanity. We start from sanity and build up. 

I know that we parent either in spite of how we were taught, or because of how we were taught. 

Family meetings in my home growing up were not a common thread. We just spontaneously reacted our way through many years of harsh intensity. 

To create change for my kids and my marriage, I have to implement tools that are not natural to me. 

My husband and I learn together, grow together, create together. We have found a way of making things comfortable for all of the members of our home. 

Our communication style is honoring and effective. And at the center of all of this communication is our family meeting.

There have been days where insane thinking and insane behavior seems to be the rule of the roost. But most days, we do pretty good. And this is one of the biggest tools we used to keep consistency. 

Please see this link for family meeting guide.

Oily Tool for Family Meetings: 

Need tools? Click HERE for oily everything with Dr. Jodi! 


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